Thursday, December 17, 2009

Why herro there :D

For my inaugural post I figure I should spam a bit, outline who I am, and get used to writing in the first person.

This blog was started out of necessity as much as out of interest. As a journalism student, I'm producing a whole whack of content. It's getting lonely just rotting away on my hard drive. 

May as well let it stink up the interwebs. 

Most of the things that will show up here will be about science, science journalism, and science culture. Oh, and Star Wars. There will probably be a liberal sprinkling of Star Wars. 

To make amends with my lonely stash of stories from the last eight months in the master of arts in journalism program at the University of Western Ontario in London, Ont., today is going to consist of a lot of spamming. 

So let it begin....

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